While co-parenting is not always the easiest or most convenience option for parents, it can be beneficial for the child. Many Santa Rosea area families are blended families. Figuring out how to best raise their child when the child’s parents are living separate lives can be tricky. However, a new study shows joint custody can have psychological benefits for children.
The study examined over 3500 schoolchildren, aged three to five, of three family situations. Like many families today, many of them were living with both parents at home, some were in a joint custody situation and others have a sole custody situation with one parent. It was found that children living in joint physical custody situations experienced similar levels of psychological symptoms to those in intact families and less psychological problems than those living mostly or only with one parent. The study suggests that there are psychological benefits for children in joint physical custody situations, versus sole custody situations.
Not all parents are candidates for joint child custody arrangements. But, for those that are, parents should consider joint custody as a legitimate option as it allows the child to have a relationship with both parents, and according to this study, gives them a better psychological standing. Think about letting bygones be bygones in a joint custody arrangement. But, joint custody is not for every family, so it is good to assess one’s options thoroughly before making a decision on how to proceed.
There is not a one-size-fits-all when it comes to child custody. In fact, child custody arrangements are meant to be tailored to the people it affects, like the child and the parents. However, best interests of the child always come first in custody decisions. It could be beneficial for the child to have split physical custody with both parents.
Source: OnlineLibrary.Wiley.com, “Preschool children living in joint physical custody arrangements show less psychological symptoms than those living mostly or only with one parent,” accessed on Sept. 19, 2017