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When it comes to child custody, who becomes the custodial parent?

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support

If you and your child’s parent are no longer together, or are going through a divorce, your first instinct is your child and how the change will affect him or her. While there is no doubt that it can be a challenging time, it doesn’t need to be a high stress situation. However, truthfully, every person’s child custody scenario is different, it’s hard to say how a change will affect each family individually. Many parents wonder how a child custody decision will affect their child.

As child custody agreements are designed with the best interests of the child in mind, it’s difficult to know exactly the impact the change can have. However, know that the ultimate custody decision is made with a focus on the child’s best interests and within reasonable perimeters. Every family is different, some parents may want to split custody fairly evenly, while others would prefer that one parent do the majority of the child rearing. If one parent is the primary custodial parent they often are responsible for the everyday child-rearing and daily decisions.

Oftentimes this will require child support from the non-primary custodial parent, among other things. Even if a child’s custody situation isn’t as positive, that being, one parent may not have custody rights at all, child support may well be in order. A parent is expected to support their child in a variety of ways, even if they are no longer living together full-time. At Challoner Law, we know how personal circumstances can affect the child custody arrangement and that you want the best for your child.

That’s why we work so hard to ensure that a child custody arrangement is the best it can be. Certain people may have a more challenging situation than others, however every child deserves nothing but the best in love and support from everyone in their life. Whether you and your child’s parent are thinking of splitting custody evenly, or if you believe you should be the primary custodial parent, we are here to support and guide you. Every child custody situation is unique and should be treated as a such.