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HGTV stars work and raise daughter during divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2017 | High Asset Divorce

Reality TV in California and across the nation have been so popular in recent years that they have launched multiple professional careers. Two HGTV stars are well known, the stars of Flip or Flop, which follows the married couple’s experience flipping houses for profit and their life with their children. Fans were shocked to hear of the couple’s motion to file for divorce last winter.

The divorce is on-going, but that has not stopped the couple from working together. According to reports, while the high asset couple’s divorce is on-going, they are still spending a lot of time together running their business and filming their TV show, all while continuing to raise their daughter. If a divorcing couple can strive towards this model of patience and understanding, it makes this method of divorce look a lot more preferable than disagreements and stress.

Not everyone’s situation will be so easy, but it is nice to see that it is possible. Sometimes, marriages are damaged to the point in which even a regular friendship or partnership is impossible. Their could be instances of abuse or instances of unfaithfulness that can make it unbearable to be around each other. While most divorcing couples may not be this hunky-dory it’s great to see that they are able to raise their daughter together by taking her to sporting events and other outings together.

When marriages share a child and end, it can be that much tougher to adjust to a new lifestyle. Custody could be best in a split-custody situation, or maybe one parent is best suited to the decision-making and child rearing decisions. There are other financial decisions a divorcing couple will have to make as well. Each side is entitled to their fair share in a high asset divorce.

Source: People, “How Christina and Tarek El Moussa Are Balancing Filming and Coparenting Despite Their Ongoing Divorce,” Dana Rose Falcone, Oct. 26, 2017