Protecting Your Family's Future With Trusted Legal Support

A Santa Rosa Paternity Lawyer For California Paternity Cases

Establishing paternity is important for both you and your child. I founded my firm to help parents and families in Santa Rosa and Sonoma County with family law challenges.

At Challoner Law, I represent mothers seeking to establish paternity of their child’s father in an effort to obtain child support. I also represent fathers who are seeking a place in their children’s lives by establishing paternity and gaining paternal rights.

Why Should You Establish Paternity In California?

Proving paternity is pivotal and a legal proceeding that can change your life for the better. Generally, when a child is born to married parents, paternity is presumed. Paternity can also be established at the hospital if the father is present at the birth of the child and his name is added to the baby’s birth certificate. However, sometimes the identity of the father is in question.

Establishing paternity is important for fathers because it provides them with paternal rights and the foundation to seek visitation or custody rights. Establishing paternity is important for mothers because it provides the foundation for them to seek child support.

How Do You Prove Paternity In California?

If paternity is contested, either by the mother or a man who believes he is the father, DNA testing can be ordered to prove paternity. As a family law attorney, I can facilitate this testing to help you find the answers you need. Once the results are in, I will prepare the court documents and case to legally establish paternity. Once paternity is established, custody can be established, child support can be ordered and a visitation schedule can be implemented. With legal paternity established, it will be more difficult for a future stepparent to adopt the child later.

Consult A Sonoma County Paternity Attorney

If you need a Santa Rosa paternity lawyer, I am available by appointment. To schedule an initial consultation, you can reach me by calling my office at 707-362-8209 or by sending me a message through my website. All consultations are confidential. I will answer your questions and share more about your legal rights and how I can help you craft a legal strategy for your situation.